Best performance when it counts. Delivering above-average performance at key moments makes all the difference. Your mental and physical concentration is important, as is your equipment. CATURIX, as it was 2000 years ago, puts strong companions by your side. This allows you to concentrate 100% on the game. The eSport backpacks bear the names of the Rhaeto-Romanic language, an ancient idiom spoken in south-eastern Switzerland. ATTACHADER means the attacker, DECISIUN the decision and CUMBATTANT the fighter.
“It’s dangerous to go alone, take this!”

CATURIX is the companion for gamers and eSportsmen. The war god of the Helvetians protects your equipment and leads you to victory with smart gear. Whether casual or pro – the highly developed eSport accessory cases offer great benefits for all those who set out on the road. Become a clan member and get your companion!